Why YOU?
You are worth it
Muay Thai training sounds intimidating to some and is definitely not easy. It requires a commitment and an input either from first-hand experience or as a parent who takes on the challenge to support their child in consistent practice. It might raise some doubts – that’s all true!
On the flip side it is also true that the output is definitely worth all of your efforts. We guarantee that the fruits of your labour will serve you and your family in every area of your lives!

“I have known Artur for 12 years now and it has been a journey since the first day I met him. I originally met Artur through Muay Thai as a 17-year-old looking to try a new sport and learn about martial arts. What started as training, which pushed me physically harder than I knew was possible, turned into a lifelong relationship and mentorship that truly impacted the person I am today.
My hours at the gym turned into many more hours of conversation, learning about perspective, balance in life, and ultimately owning my mind through understanding myself and others. Though he was originally my Muay Thai trainer, Artur soon became a lifelong mentor which helped me deal with trauma, personal perceptions, and my own limited beliefs that originally shaped me growing up in a small town. I soon found the courage to follow my passion, shift my mindset and have taken his teachings throughout everything I have done. I have been able to shape my personal and career life to something that I never knew possible and Artur was a big part of that. His mindset and knowledge brought a new perspective that taught me more than I can put into words. At the end of the day, I wouldn’t be in the position I am in today without his mentorship. The confidence and mindset to challenge myself along the way and push myself outside my comfort zone to maximize my personal growth to new boundaries, all was a direct output of the hours and hours of conversation. I now consider Artur a mentor, friend, and one of the most influential people in my life.”
Shae Bird, CEO | Indigenous Tourism Alberta
“I was always that one fat kid when I was young. Because of my weight, I was always very shy and introverted. Meeting people was extremely difficult for me so I spent most of my time just playing computer games. I could no longer live my life that way as it was hurting my parents and myself so I decided to try to exercise. That’s when I first encountered with a Muay Thai gym in Korea at the age of 16. The Muay Thai gym was where I met Artur Nowacki for the first time. It also hadn’t been that long for him to have started learning Muay Thai at that time. As he didn’t really have an appropriate workout partner, we naturally got to spend a lot of time together which eventually took up the most important part of my adolescent years. As I still struggled when meeting new people, he taught me how to treat others, how to speak English, and how to exercise properly. In addition, we became very close as he told me what foreign cultures were like and his own travel stories. As I spent more time with Artur, I became more confident and it allowed me to make new friends much more easily and make great memories. I cannot describe how much I value my time I have spent with him and how much influence he has left on me to become a coach today. He is the best coach as well as the most perfect training partner in my life who has made me the person I am today. I send so much gratitude to my amazing Muay Thai coach Artur Nowacki for all the things he has done for me. Thank you, Artur.”
–Jaemin Lee (John Frankl Jiu-Jitsu Chungju Academy, Public speaker, Consultant, Gym and Business Owner, South Korea)
“When Artur asked me to write a testimonial for him, I was honoured as a lot of my success can be attributed to the coaching and life lessons he has shared with me. Most of our time together was spent in Thailand training and fighting in Muay Thai. I never imagined I would train Muay Thai Let alone participate in competitions but when I met Artur, he saw something in me and took me under his wing. Artur has an innate ability to take any negative self-image you may have, break it down, make you believe in yourself and empower you to be a stronger more resilient human being. Artur uses Muay Thai as a tool to pass on his lessons in physical, mental and spiritual strength all of which I try to incorporate into my teachings. Without Artur’s belief in me and continual encouragement and support, I wouldn’t be in the position I am, teaching over 120 students and trying my best to inspire them as he inspired me.”
–Ryan clement (Head Muay Thai trainer of The Martial Arts Academy, Director of The Martial Arts Academy Papamoa, New Zealand)